Purple Zephyr was founded out of necessity when a booked musician was injured and unable to make a gig at the last moment. As a group of friends that had wanted an excuse to play together we joined to make a temporary band. We were so well received that we decided to stay together and called ourselves Purple Zephyr. Our goal is to fit music to the dances and provide driving music that builds momentum as each dance progresses. Purple Zephyr consists of Kim Harris on keyboard, Ed Secor on Clarinet, Vicki Tiedeman on fiddle,
Viki Lawrence on fiddle and concertina and
Ed Hall on percussion. Kim has a music performance degree and teaches piano. Ed Secor has played a variety of styles of music on his clarinet since high school. Vicki Tiedeman began playing at the age of 10 and played classical music until she was subverted into traditional fiddling.
Viki Lawrence took up traditional music for dancing as an adult and played for square dances and waltz dances prior to entering the contra world; she is also a caller for contra dances.
Ed Hall has played hammered dulcimer and more recently percussion in local bands; he is also in a marimba band and calls conta dances. Contact Viki at 303 913 2534 for more info or bookings.